What We Offer

Concrete Chemicals​
Concrete Chemicals is our core business. We offer place and finish contractors the most sustainable and repeatable results in our industry. Concrete Control and Concrete Hard Plus makes the job of a typical finishing contractor much easier. No more cold joint worries or loosing the slab on a rain day. Concrete Control creates a tremendous amount of thick, dense cream that will allow the finisher to relax and do a much better job of finishing the slab instead of rushing to achieve the results that are required before he/she loses the slab. Our patented amorphous colloidal silica technology gives our contractors a major advantage over their competition. Polished concrete, decorative concrete, all slab on grade and elevated slab placement as well as tilt-wall construction applications are at the nucleus of our business. I strongly urge you to set up a live demonstration with our products so you can see for yourself what you are capable of providing your clients. It's a no brainer when you see it first hand. One of our stellar local distributors will be more than happy to set this up for you.
Diamond Tooling
Diamond tooling technologies that are second to none is a new business for us but one that we have an extreme understanding and knowledge base to work from. Every diamond tool is tested and re-tested in an effort to stretch the boundaries of our capabilities. Our manufacturing facilities are located on 3 different continents and provide us with some extreme advantages as it pertains to shipping and availability for our distribution partners. While we make diamond tooling that fits most major brands of concrete grinding and polishing equipment, we have patents and patent pending designs that are specific for each private label partner that represents us. Resin, semi-metal and metal bond technologies are our bread and butter with ceramic technologies making a larger impact every day.

Concrete Consulting Services​
We solve concrete problems and challenges. Facility managers and owners that use our products know that we offer the very best and most reliable concrete placement and polishing systems in the industry. We are often times asked to oversee concrete projects that require more intensive supervision. Projects that require:
Super Flat
Cream Only Finishes
Large Aggregate Exposure Slab on grade
Stain Resistant Finishes
Suspended Slab Pours
Decorative Concrete Pours
Large Format Polished Concrete (<10,000 sq ft)
Large Format Jointless Exterior Concrete Aprons
Large Format Jointless Interior Industrial Concrete Pours